ANPS goes to Leechville (aka Lowden Forest Park)

So today ANPS went in search of Autumn orchids in Tallaganda State Forest. We found a few (see below) and also, as expected, a few leeches. Fortunately for most of the party they (nearly) all ended up with one member! I think her driver was joking when he said she'd have to travel back on the pack rack. Here is a leech on the hunt, after being dislodged from its intended prey! This one is obviously looking for a weak point in the nylon weave. If the photo is blurry its because I was being pressured to "Finish and knock the rotten thing off." A few flowering plants beginning with Helichrysum rutidolepis Brachyscome aculeata Choretrum pauciflorum Daviesia ulicifolia Goodenia ovata Persoonia linearis berries Eustrephus latifolius Its orchid time! Those of us on the ACT Orchid mailing list were aware that another member of that list had found three species in the vicinity of Lowden Leech ...