Assorted avian images

As the year gets close to finishing I found a few interesting birds on 29 December. As I happened to be passing close to Kelly's Swamp I thought to check it out for unusual birds. There were none of the really unusual ones present but the sighting of 3 Royal Spoonbills was a pleasant reward. A report to the COG chatline from earlier in the day covered 31 Lathams Snipe present on the swamp, including 23 in an area cleared of reeds in front of a hide. Such numbers were not visible at mid-day when I was present - much hotter - but one posed very cooperatively close to the hide I was using. At home there were a couple of interesting interactions between birds and exotic plants. We are developing some borders of lavender and this was popular with Crimson Rosellas. I have included a second zoomed image showing that the lavender was being eaten, not just used as a cool roost on a warm day. In the same bed the Kniphofia (red hot pokers) are starting to hit ...