Scatology revisited

I recently posted about some strange scats I found in a grove of pine trees.  I left a sheet of cardboard under the trees to see if I could pick up any later donations.  Nothing had appeared until this morning (2 weeks later).  I then noticed as we passed on our dog exercise that the cardboard was decorated.
The most interesting aspect of this is that there have not been any Yellow-tailed black-cockatoos in the area for several days as far as I am aware - and they are not a surreptitious species!  So: if it wasn't YTBC what was it?  Crimson Rosellas have been around a lot and they might be doing it dry?  Certainly the following morning there were 4 vocal Rosellas sitting near the pines.

Being around with my camera I thought I would snap a few other things.  This moss was attractive in presenting a range of shades of green.
 As usual at this time of year close inspection shows that plants are starting to get ready for the new season.  (Such news is necessary to get through the bitterly cold - but clear - days and the slightly warmer days that are cloudy and miserable.)  The next few images are of Acacia buds.
Acacia rubida
 Acacia buxifolia
 Acacia dealbata
 Acacia pravissima
 Two common eucalypts are notable for their different tones.

The red of Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
 and the yellow-green of Eucalyptus mannifera,
 Down closer to ground level a single flower of Dillwynia sericea - a bean - was found (and promptly lost again).


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