Vegetation decorative and edible: plus invertebrates

We seem to be getting rain at pretty much the right time to get the garden happening this year. (Also getting the brambles and briars happening, but that is another story.) This afternoon we did some stuff in the garden and I took a few images that may be of interest - especially for those in the North who maybe finding colour and daylight a bit hard to come by. These flowers come from a large bed on the Eastern side of our house, which Frances has pretty much created from scratch. The first 2 images are of Penstemons. These foxgloves appear to self regenerated from last year's flowers which is good. After many attempts we have some Acanthus flowerig: and very attractive they are as well! We have a row of Globe Artichokes along the bottom of the bed, partly for appearance, but they are on the menu for tonight. In addition to these 'pure exotics' we have some nice Australian Natives - possibly not from anywhere close to here - blooming. This ...