The story of O (-ring) and flowers

The Bureau of Meteorology have been forecasting a lot of showers and storm recently. In honour of this, and noticing that the pump ha been a bit grumpy recently, I decided to clean the filter on the line up to our tank. When I reassembled the device and found that water was going most everywhere except up towards our new tank. It emerged that the seal between the filter cover and rest of the assembly was more like a walrus - long in the tooth and a bit hairy. So it was off to find a new O-ring. First stop was Bunnings (for those overseas this is more or less Australia's answer to Wal Mart). They didn't have any and reckoned it would be difficult to find one without knowing the brand of pump. Second stop was Southern Plumbing, on the grounds that pumps are an essential bit of plumbing kit. Yes they sold pumps but not O-rings. However they were able to say that CBC (this is the Consolidated Bearing Company, not Columbia Broadcasting Company) in Fysh...