The foggy, foggy, dew

Afficianados of the English folk-music scene should note that I haven't been covering any young maidens to protect them from the elements. However there has been quite a bit of condensation around El Rancho , Carwola in the last few days and this morning I took a few piccies . This first one is rather nifty. We currently have a pair of Kookaburras visiting the place every day. They do a good laugh as it gets light and them proceed to interfere with the reptiles and invertebrates on our lawn. As well as our rock art, covered elsewhere in the blog, we have fiddled about with a couple of bits of timber. This old stump was just laying around and Frances thought it could do a fair imitation of a Baobab: so we made it so. Evidently the wombats reckoned it was a welcome addition to the scenery and voted accordingly (not quite a globe nor golden, but I regarded it as positive). I added a close up of that element of the image for the coprophiles in the readership. Finally we have a...