The beach at Bastion Point

The shape of the beach accessed from the Bastion Point steps is very interesting, as it can change considerably due to conditions in the Inlet. Those who have seen the film " Skippy and the Intruders " filmed in Mallacoota in 1969. (Spoiler alert: Skippy is by far the best actor.) In the shots of the divers' boats going out the mouth is right down by the steps, which I have been told was the historical position. My informant - a long term resident - also explained that the position of the opening changed about 1km to the East following a period of closure when the dune was artificially cut at the point where the Inlet was closest to the ocean. Point 1 in the image below is the historical opening and point 2 was the short cut opening. In the period since the short cut the position of the mouth, both 'natural' and forced, seems to have moved gradually westwards. The Google Earth image on which that is based is dated 2022 and I suggest was taken at...