More droving

I had hoped to get some photos of the cattle coming through Bungendore this morning, but they came through at 7am to avoid the worst of the traffic. According to one of the drovers "There were a lot of people out taking photos." So I found them strung out over about 3km of Hoskinstown Rd, from just past Gidleigh Lane to about halfway to the 6 mile TSR, where they will camp tonight. Here are my photos. "There's a long, long road unwinding ..." Obfuscation prevents face recognition! This is the 6 Mile TSR. A nice amount of feed in there (and the cattle look to be in good condition, so have been finding feed as they have come along). The economics of the exercise fascinate me. There seem to be at least 6 people in the group, with 2 trucks and 3 4WD utes. It must be taking them at least 6 weeks for the drive whereas a truck could do it in a day Allowing a day each end for loading and unloading I'd still have thought it chea...