Blue-billed Duck at Kelly's Swamp

I had a few minutes to spare in the ACT so took myself to Kelly's Swamp, hoping that a Buff-banded Rail would brave the rather average weather and put in an appearance. On arrival at Cygnus, my hide (blind, for anyone in the US) of choice, the first thing I found was a pair of reading spectacles. Rather try to describe them I took a phone-photo of them and posted a message with the photo to the COG chatline. Within minutes I had a reply complaining commenting that I had not submitted any observations. I explained that I was delaying as at least one birder would currently be unable to read the post. (The glasses have now been reunited with their owner.) The following should assuage any residual concerns. Members of the Rallidae were well evident. Unfortunately they were restricted to what a well known local naturalist has in the past referred to as "the eternal 3: Dusky Moorhen; Eurasian Coot and what is known currently as Australasian Swamphen. Now...