Psittaciformid Psensations

I hope you are reading this in the morning as I feel you should always start the day with a couple of silent ps. The post may well get augmented as/if I get further images of members of the Cockatoo and Parrot family in the next few days. This group of Australian King-parrots were on a power line reserve between the Canberra suburbs of Chifley and Pearce. Of this group I think the upper one is a juvenile male (on bill colour ) and the other two females. Clearly an adult male. A Sulphur-crested Cockatoo destroying a twig. Two Galahs grazing for rhizomes. A rear view of two Red-rumped parrots (male on left, female on right). Anotherpair with male on right. An Eastern Rosella apparently deciding if a 30 kilovolt power ine is edible!