Various bits of Belconnen etc

After a stroll to say hello to Arabella, Tammy and I dropped Frances off at a drawing class and headed to vague area of Ginniderra Creek. I began at Giralang Ponds. The big hope here was Nankeen Night-heron which roost in the Casuarinas. Actually that should be "Sometimes roost in the Casuarinas.": and as you might infer today was not one of those times. In the general region of Herons etc I soon spotted 3 Australian White Ibis (not common recently) and a pair of White-faced Herons on a power line. I then spotted another two mucking around in the reeds. I'd guess a family group. A Lathams Snipe then sqwarked its way off a mud bank. All told I ended up with 25 species for the site. I then shifted a few '00m to McKellar Pond where in the past Little Bittern and Australasian Bittern have been sighted. Not today they weren't. The best bird - which has turned out to be Bird of the Day - here was Olive-backed Oriole. Surely that is ...