An unpleasant day for a run

I posted a couple of days ago about the poor quality weather we have been having. After a reasonable day on Friday yesterday returned to ordinary with 11.8mm of rain and strong winds. Today has delivered less rain (2.6mm so far) still strong winds and the temperature has thus far (13:30) only staggered up to 4.9C. ( That was nearly the maximum: it got to 5.2 at 14:20!) This made my decision to go to Mt Ainslie for the ACT Veterans Athletics Handicap somewhat difficult, but participating would maintain my stagger towards 100 handicaps completed and maintain my eligibility for awards. When I arrived I was struck by the number of people wearing down parkas and vests. Some of them maintained this attire for their run/walk. The second striking thing was the low number of cars in the parking area. My estimate was about 50% less than usual for this event. The starters were dressed for the occasion. I have never before noticed their clocks being in...