Carwoola Wildflower Walk
Each year the Carwoola Community puts on a Wildflower Walk at either someone's property or an area of public land. This year it was the former, on Pony Place, in the Queanbeyan section of the locality. I was attending primarily as the bird expert. I am sure you all realise that
Having got that out of the way, I only got one image of a bird. It was a typical bird posing with most of its head turned away from us but it was a Black-faced cuckoo-shrike.
The full list of species seen today was:
I took a few images of plants- much more cooperative in windy weather. This first is Pultenaea procumbens.
This was the first lily I photographed: Thysanotus patersonii, the twining fringe lily. I normally regard these as unusual so to find many samples today was excellent.
Microseris lanceolata, Yam Daisy.
A rather tatty Microseris doing its duty by a hoverfly.
Another member of the family Fabaceaea: Dillwynnia sieberi. The long prickly leaves differentiate it from D. sericea.
I have grouped the 5 orchids together. The first seen was Diuris pardina (spots like a 'pard.)
Although it was the last I saw as they are the same genus I have put Diuris sulphurea here.
This is a finger orchid Stegostyla ustulata.
The Waxlip Orchid - so named for the white waxy patch in front of the column - is Glossodia major.
I really like sun orchids Thelymitra pauciflora and it was a great pleasure to find so many on the downhill leg today. I'll celebrate that with several images. First up was a singleton.
Next a triple header.
Then a double, showing front and back views.
Back to dicotyledons. Here we have some foliage and buds of Gompholobium huegelii: this will be spectacular for Peter and Amanda when it comes in flower as a big bright yellow Fabaceae.
Viola betonicifolia
Asperula conferta
Arthropodium minus - another lily, in this case the vanilla lily for those who, unlike me, have a sense of smell.
Finally a tiny Vittadinia muellerii.
Here follows the full list of 86 taxa seen today (thanks Ros for compiling it):
- X is the great unknown and
- 'spurt' is a drip under pressure.
Having got that out of the way, I only got one image of a bird. It was a typical bird posing with most of its head turned away from us but it was a Black-faced cuckoo-shrike.
The full list of species seen today was:
Laughing Kookaburra |
Pallid Cuckoo |
Grey fantail |
Rufous whistler |
Magpie-lark |
Black-faced cuckoo-shrike |
White-browed scrubwren |
Superb Fairy-wren |
White-throated treecreeper |
Mistletoebird |
Yellow-faced honeyeater |
Olive-backed oriole |
Pied Currawong |
Australian Magpie |
Striated pardalote |
This was the first lily I photographed: Thysanotus patersonii, the twining fringe lily. I normally regard these as unusual so to find many samples today was excellent.
Microseris lanceolata, Yam Daisy.
A rather tatty Microseris doing its duty by a hoverfly.
Another member of the family Fabaceaea: Dillwynnia sieberi. The long prickly leaves differentiate it from D. sericea.
I have grouped the 5 orchids together. The first seen was Diuris pardina (spots like a 'pard.)
Although it was the last I saw as they are the same genus I have put Diuris sulphurea here.
This is a finger orchid Stegostyla ustulata.
The Waxlip Orchid - so named for the white waxy patch in front of the column - is Glossodia major.
I really like sun orchids Thelymitra pauciflora and it was a great pleasure to find so many on the downhill leg today. I'll celebrate that with several images. First up was a singleton.
Next a triple header.
Then a double, showing front and back views.
Back to dicotyledons. Here we have some foliage and buds of Gompholobium huegelii: this will be spectacular for Peter and Amanda when it comes in flower as a big bright yellow Fabaceae.
Viola betonicifolia
Asperula conferta
Arthropodium minus - another lily, in this case the vanilla lily for those who, unlike me, have a sense of smell.
Finally a tiny Vittadinia muellerii.
Here follows the full list of 86 taxa seen today (thanks Ros for compiling it):
Acacia dawsonii | Gonocarpus tetragynus |
Acacia dealbata | Goodenia hederacea |
Acacia gunnii | Hardenbergia violacea |
Acacia rubida | Hibbertia obtusifolia |
Acacia ulicifolia | Hovea heterophylla |
Acaena ovina | Hydrocotyle laxiflora |
Acrotriche serrulata | Hypericum gramineum |
Amyema miquelii | Indigofera australis |
Amyema pendula | Juncus sp. |
Aristida ramosa | Kunzea ericoides |
Arthropodium minus | Leptorhynchos squamatus |
Asperula conferta | Leptospermum myrtifolium |
Astroloma humifusum | Leucopogon fletcheri ssp. brevisepalus |
Austrostipa scabra ssp. falcata | Lissanthe strigosa |
Brachyloma daphnoides | Lomandra filiformis ssp. coriacea |
Bursaria spinosa | Lomandra longifolia |
Carex inversa | Lomandra multiflora |
Cassinia longifolia | Luzula densiflora |
Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia | Melichrus urceolatus |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum | Microseris lanceolata |
Comesperma ericinum | Pimelea curviflora |
Coronidium scorpioides | Pomaderris eriocephala |
Cymbonotus lawsonianus | Pultenaea procumbens |
Daviesia mimosoides | Rytidosperma pallidum |
Dianella revoluta | Scleranthus biflorus |
Dillwynia sericea | Senecio quadridentatus |
Dillwynia sieberi | Senecio sp. |
Diuris pardina | Solenogyne dominii |
Diuris sulphurea | Stackhousia monogyna |
Drosera peltata | Stegostyla ustulata |
Enneapogon nigricans | Stylidium graminifolium |
Eucalyptus macrorhyncha | Thelymitra ? pauciflora |
Eucalyptus mannifera | Themeda triandra |
Eucalyptus melliodora | Thysanotus patersonii |
Eucalyptus nortonii | Thysanotus tuberosus |
Eucalyptus polyanthemos | Triptilodiscus pygmaeus |
Eucalyptus rossii | Typha sp. |
Exocarpos cupressiformis | Viola betonicifolia |
Galium gaudichaudii | Vittadinia muelleri |
Geranium sp. | Wahlenbergia multicaulis |
Glossodia major | Wahlenbergia stricta |
Glycine clandestina | Wurmbea dioica |
Gompholobium huegelii | Xerochrysum viscosum |