Garden development (part1)

I wasn't as involved in the gardening last year as I should have been. As a result the weeds had infested the areas we didn't really cultivate last year. In turn this presented a challenge for getting the vegetable garden ready for the coming year. Digging by hand was going to be a major issue so we decided to invest in a bit of temporary technology. Fortunately the Stoney Creek Gazette came to our assistance with an advert for Rural Hire . They were able to provide a rotary hoe. Here it is in work. For reasons that escape me now (and that phrase probably contains the explanation) I didn't do a "before" photograph but the areas under the plum tree and between the photographer and me give an idea of what we were dealing with. (Bear in mind that I had also given these areas a good going over with my brush cutter first!) The rest of the area is 'after'. I covered that area in about 30 minutes, as opposed to several hours of back-breaking digg...