Somethings coming ...

.. something good.  Rather than Natalie Wood, or the Lincoln Centre (which replaced San Juan Hill, the setting for West Side Story) the 'something good' heading our way is Spring!!!!

There are a few buds around the block and in some cases suggest it is going to be a colourful season.

Acacia dealbata.
 Acacia buxifolia
 Acacia rubida
This second image of A. rubida shows the density of buds on the shrub. This is one of thecommon plants to have grown from the direct seeding by Greening Australia in 2007.
Acacia pravissima: this species - a 'foreigner' to the area - is also covered in buds and will make the customary yellow approach to our drive in a month or so.
Also a foreigner, bud (a typo deliberately left) not so colourful, is Eucalyptus viminalis.  The most noticeable characteristic of this forest tree is the ribbons of bark, but when looked at closely the buds are most attractive.
The locally native eucaylpts are also getting hot to trot.  This is E. mannifera ..
.. while this demonstrates the derivation of the scientific name of E. macrorhynca
I often talk about scientific names as being 'the Latin' which in this case would be WRONG, as it - or at least the specific element - is Greek.  In this case meaning big nose - well shown by the shape of the operculum.

Possibly the take-away message of the walk in which I took these images was that the photography encourages one to look at the detail of what one is photographing.  These buds of Acacia decurrens are pleasant ..
.. but the markings on the stem/trunk are very interesting.  I have no idea what has caused this.
Dropping down to the shrub layer Leucopogon fletcheri is beginning to get the usual rows of hang-down buds (although this is one species which has not done well in the relatively dry spell we have been/are going through)
on the 12th I took the camera on our dog walk and added a couple of heath plants to the collection.  Note that I am not saying they are 'heaths' which would imply the family Epacridaceae, because the first, Cryptandra amara, is a member of the Rhamanceae
Lissanthe strigosa on the other hand, is an epacrid.
Of course, Melichrys urceolatus is in front of the game and is already in flower.
As a reminder that Spring is coming, but not yet here the spider webs were well endowed with dew ..
.. and fog covered the Taliesin paddock behind the 'roos which were showing their customary terror at the micro-wolf which accompanied us.


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