Dux of the Dam

Being at the Bungendore cultural centre (aka the tip) this morning I diverted past the Big Dam on Lake Rd on the way home.

There is still a fair surface area of water, although a lot less than a year ago.  The same applies to waterbird numbers.  I tested out the new camera in what was rather trying circumstances on a small flotilla of Freckled Ducks and Pink-eared Ducks.
This was at least 50m range in overcast conditions with reflective water as a backdrop so I reckon the image passes.
What makes it particularly interesting, and should be visible if you click to enlarge the second image, is that the pink ear is visible: it isn't big but it is visible.  I still reckon they should be called Zebra ducks!

I saw at least 5 Freckled Duck and estimated 30+ Pink ears.  Also obvious were a pair of Australian Shelducks, and the usual Australian Wood Ducks, Pacific Black Ducks and Grey Teal.

Definitely not a duck, but when this Eastern Spinebill posed nicely outside my study window I could neither resist the moment to take a photograph nor be fussed to make a new post to share it with you.
A couple of days later a spinebill re-appeared and was re-photographed.


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