In the matter of books
Most of this post will be about stuff I acquired at the Lifeline Bookfair on Friday. Some of it will be nature related and other bits.not. Before getting there however I will talk about "Green Philosophy" by Roger Scruton . I became aware of this guy when he talked on Counterpoint on ABC Radio National. He is a philosopher currently located at the American Enterprise Institute - which made me think of him as Paul Wolfowitz's new best friend forever. Not so: while he wears the label conservative he doesn't like neocons as much as he doesn't like controlling statists from the Left. His view is that local activity is what should drive policy and particularly preserving local beauty, which encourages conservation. Seems good to me. I have started reading the book, but it requires more attention than can be given to a library book so one is heading towards me via The Book Depository. The Lifeline Book fair is a huge event in Canberra where...