December updates

Links to those posts which have been updated since the initial post.
  • More insects have been added, more than usual identified! In fact two additional posts have been added
  • The moth from Mt Franklin has been identified 
  • Images of the Swallowtail and a Stinkhorn fungus have been added to the Brindies blog
  • An artichoke is apparently digestible. 
  • The hyacinth orchid had got more flowers and an astonishing number found at the 6 Mile TSR. 
  • Quite a few corrections have been made to the Touga Rd post as a result of reader feedback. 
  • A couple of corrections to insect names on the Swamp post
Apparently there was a red-moon event (ie a lunar eclipse) on the 10th  of December, but it was around midnight so I was well asleep by then.  However earlier in the evening I got this image - spiffy, but not worth its own post - about 10:30.
Happy New Year!


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