October continues to excel in the paddocks

I have posted before about the display of native flowers we are finding around our property at the moment. 

On a walk with the small dog this morning we found a lot more interesting specimens.  Some images follow:

this is the first Bulbine bulbosa (Bulbine lily)  I have found in the top paddock this year.
 A very spiny Daviesia genistifolia (genistifolia means leaves like gorse - a surprisingly astute name).
The first flowers of Kunzea parvifolia.  Particularly in close up these really are one of the most beautiful of the native flowers on the block.
Of course Lissanthe strigosa, Peach Heath gives it a bit of competition.
Then we found, a little later in the day, a relatively huge clump of Tetratheca baueri.  The pink spots are the flowers: the whole clump was about 2m x 1m.


Denis Wilson said…
Hi Martin
You get nice flowers down your way.
Not familiar with Tetratheca baueri.
We get others up here, including many white forms. But they grow in wet forests.
Bulbine Lilies are always nice.

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