Crimson Rosellas also make smooch

I have posted a couple of times recently about the amatory efforts of the local Galahs.  This afternoon a pair of Crimson Rosellas decided to do what Damon Runyan would refer to as a little free form guzzling and I was able to take a picture of this.
It is possibly open to debate as to whether these birds are more spectacular in their colouring than the Macaws of the Amazon but they have the great advantage of being in front of my window rather than requiring about 36 hours of air travel.

In addition I can recall being very impressed by these birds when I used to visit Canberra for work (we lived in Adelaide at the time).  Further an English colleague visiting from work was out for a run early one morning and a single Rosella perched in a tree beside the track: he stopped in tracks as though sanbagged!.


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