Directions for April Wednesday Walk

The plan is to visit 3 reserves around Bungendore and perhaps a couple of other spots along the way.  A primary aim could be to see what, if anything, the honeyeaters are up to in the various areas.  Of course, people will be able to withdraw at points along the way, although the likelihood of that happening should be borne in mind when carpooling.

The three spots are shown with red numerals in the first image.  (Click on the images to get larger versions if needed).

Spot 1 is Turallo Nature Reserve, 2 is Reedy Creek TSR, and 3 is Sweeneys TSR (suggest lunch here).  The first ? is the Trucking Yard Lane dams which may be worth checking for waterfowl - Shelducks are a distinct possibility here.  The second ? is the roadside along the Mt Fairy Rd.  No idea what is there but it has looked interesting each time I have been along it.

Of course if the whole trip is quiet and boring we could add in Lake road along Lake George.  It all depends.

My suggestion for  final car pool is the car park at Spotlight in Queanbeyan at 8:30am.  I have put some red lines around it in the second image.  I will form a group address for those that tell me they are coming and will let everyone know closer to the time so that you may wish to arrange a preliminary carpool closer to your homes.
To save myself 20kms of petrol my current intention is to meet you at Turallo Nature Reserve at 9am.  Directions for this are to head from Queanbeyan towards Bungendore.  Just before the village turn right into Trucking Yard lane.  Take the next right into Hoskinstown Rd.  After crossing the railway line pass Gidleigh Lane on the left and the Reserve - where I will hopefully be parked - is on the Right a few hundred yards further on.see third image.

Note that I expect to have a pitstop in Bungendore before heading off to Reedy Creek.


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