Ruralish issues

This is a more or less random coverage of a few things that have interested me recently.

The first is the windfarm on the Eastern side of Lake George. In total there are 60+ turbines, of which about 20 are in the image above (the others are on the far side of the hill) and they are beginning to run some in "test" mode now. As one might expect, opinions in the community are varied, with many people in favour and a few grizzling about the noise. I took these images from about 1km away (I think down-wind) and could hear NO NOISE at all.

Go for it! Another post with some interesting commentary (and comments) on Wind Power is the Nature of Robertson.

The second pair of images are of some Eastern Grey Kangaroos kicking back in bed 84 of the Australian National Botanic Gardens.

The final wildlife thing is not, unfortunately, accompanied by an image. On 5 August as I was walking up to the letterbox I noticed a very large lump in our creek-side paddock. This resolved itself into a medium sized lump and a large lump as the two wombats ceased their private activities and ran back to their burrow. A population explosion is awaited! I had rated this as a sign of Spring but on reading about wombats it appears that they can breed at any time of year. (The sane reference also mentioned that they can visit up to 13 burrows in an evening - no wonder the creek bank looks like a supersized serve of Gruyere!

A recent post has covered my annual bonfire. The image below shows what the heap had reduced to 3 weeks later (and the pile was still smoking, gently, after 10 days).


Denis Wilson said…
Hi Martin
Good to see you posting about those Wind Turbines.
No noise audible at 1 Km.
That fits with my observation.
Of course, the local (I mean resident) farmers might have a different opinion.
But if situated on working farms, I understand the "rent" is helpful in persuading farmers to ignore any problems.
Incidentally, this barrage of wind farms is designated to offset the Desal Plant at Cronulla, in its energy requirements.

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