A little less fleeting

This is the start of a series.  

After much drama about my denture going walkabout we are back in Canberra.

This does not mean my denture is badly fitting in my mouth.  What it means is that Star Track have registered the parcel containing it into their warehouse in Sydney but (when the dental person's person last spoke to them on Thursday) they had no idea where it is therein.  We hope they have found it and sent it on.  A fitting is scheduled for today (Monday 13 December).

The start of the drive up was a tad fraught as a bunch of pelicans under contract to Rural Roads Victoria (I think) sprayed tar on a stretch of new road surface near Genoa.  This led to quite a few people getting their  tyres - and a few other bits of their car - coated with bitumen.  Claims against the pelicans and RRV are in progress.  In over-fairness, RRV got another crew out within a few hours and put a heavy layer of stone on the road so the tar wasn't an issue.  There is a risk of flying rocks, but low speed solved that.

I decided that the heavy rainfall probably hadn't caused any issues on Imlay Rd so we went that way  rather than up the Cann River valley.  We stopped at the Imlay Creek dunny to take photos of the Creek in spate.  Some nice yellow flowers were growing outside the khazi.  I will take a punt that they are Goodenia paradoxa (once Velleia paradoxa).

The creek did, as expected, have a bit of flow in it.

An amusing footnote was the instruction on the lid of the dunny "If you haven't eaten it don't put it down the tube."

Perhaps we don't often do the drive on a Sunday but there was a lot of traffic. Perhaps Ken Behrens has realised that (a) work from home is good; and (b) you can do it as easily at Bega as Belconnen! Point (b) follows from a UN colleague's comment that she could as easily do her work from her European homeland as New Jersey.

I should point out that I came across more examples of bad driving (notably overtaking with oncoming traffic and disregard of the speed limit) than I have ever seen before. Perhaps they have forgotten how to drive on the open road during lockdown?

Sunset over the Brindabellas was attractive.


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