We all went to the zoo tomorrow

Or indeed, a couple of days ago.  Before going there we visited the Victoria Markets for some groceries - not buying beer this time.  As Saturday a few more people around in the fruit area ...
.. but the textile people were still setting up.
A view from my room at the inn.
We took the tram from Flagstaff Gardens to the Zoo.  Interestingly this seems to have been a free ride in that our Mykis still show $10 balance.  Perhaps because we are old people?  

Our first call was the Baboon enclosure with an old male and a baby.
That is more like a baboon!
A munching giraffe.
A spiffy Black-necked Stork.  I will not call this a Jabiru, no sir, not me.
A Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo
There is a lot of signage about not using natural resources of which a lot featured this chap.  I liked the slogan here!
For followers of Discworld, the Librarian was taking a few rays on a high platform.
Many colourful insects in the Butterfly House.
Also, many punters.
The keeper on the left was giving one of the elephants a pedicure.  The keeper on the right was chucking lumps of fruit into the cage to keep the recipient happy.
Grand-daughter #2 took a Carousel ride.  Pleasingly the Zoo didn't charge the minder for their ride: I assume they had worked out the costs of lawsuits from untended small people falling offwere rather more than missing a few fares.
A pretty Iguana.
I really liked being able to walk through the Lemur enclosure/  They had 2 keepers there organising the larger anthropoids.
The Lemurs didn't seem too stressed.
SP1 at the Pygmy Hippo tank.
SP2 ditto.  I thought this was excellent being able to see the animal underwater, but possibly a worry that it just kept circling.
Both SPs and a Cassowary: with some solid glass in between.


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