Some birds found while exercising

This morning I took myself to the back of the WWTP for an exercise walk on which I would note the birds I saw. To give added aerobic benefit I schlepped a couple of kgs of scope and tripod. Initially I thought there were few fowl around, but it turned out they were all on the rocky banks hiding from the wind. I was particularly pleased to see a pair of Musk Ducks on the Big Pond. A Jacky Winter - one of at least 8 in the area - posed nicely. The total list of species seen is In the afternoon we went for another walk on the beach at Bastion Point. At the foot of the steps Frances noticed a White-fronted Chat perched on a clump of washed up seaweed. As we peered at the weed and sand we realised there were Chats everywhere. The highest count we got to here was 33, which is an exceptionally large flock for this species. As we got to the mouth - which was very wide - there were another 6. Returni...