Canberra final (for a while)

This starts with some morning shots of Canberra on 13 July 2020.  The first two are about 0630, obviously before sunrise.

At this time of year the sun comes up behind Mt Ainslie.
And causes Black Mountain Tower to glow.
In the evening I took a walk around the ovals near the Mint in Deakin.  There were few birds around but a flock of ~35 Red-rumped Parrots were pleasant.
The males are very colourful, but possibly due to the broken pattern even the males  can be quite hard to spot if staying still.
On the 15th I took myself to Sherwood Forest in the foothills of the Brindabellas with a primary target of Pied Butcherbird.  Here is the route I followed.
Part of the directions said that at the top of the hill go through an open gate and go right up a hill.  Unfortunately there were two open gates and neither of the tracks went to the right.  I made a choice, mainly to stay with native forest rather than pines, as shown by the orange line.  I should have gone through the other gate and into a powerline reserve as shown by the red line.  Manana. 
The chosen route did get me to see a male Flame Robin: this is NEVER a bad thing!
I cut across country on the way back and saw my first Early Nancy (Wurmbea dioieca) for the year.
Having a little time to spare i wandered off along a fence line at the foot of the hill.  Then I saw a Magpie-lark which looked 'odd'.  Thats because it was a Pied Butcherbird!  It was uncooperative and despite a fair search couldn't find it in a position for a photo.

A very spiffy sunset in the evening 


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