Back to Mexico

So we have left Canberra and are back in Mallacoota. This post covers the trip back and the situation when we arrived. This first image is a sign on the Monaro Highway at Hume. It suggests to me that we might be entering Canberra via Tuggeranong for several months while this work is happening. From my perspective there is nothing wrong with this stretch of road, although the citizens of Jerrabomberra might find it a bit tricky getting to Woden (or visiting their friends and relatives in AMC). The real purpose of the image is using this sign as an example of a style that is popping up all over Canberra with various words. I should put quotes around "words" as in the most egregious example the characters are "signalising" which I don't think is a word. We played our game of guessing the temperature at Nimmitabel as we left Canberra. It was 12.5C at that point. I went for 11C while Frances chose 8C. By the time we got to Royalla the temperatu...