Mr Grumpy and the Kings new Clothes

This is not another book review although the subject does suggest references to the work of Roger Hargreaves (Mr Grumpy)... .. and Hans Christian Anderson (The Kings New Clothes). That is actually a farmer celebrating getting some rain! What this is actually going to be covering is the topic of Taxonomy and particularly the use of DNA sequencing in that Dark Art. The reason I am writing this is because a number of people whose knowledge and views I respect have a rather different perspective on these topics to me, and it behooves me to try and get my ideas straightened out. Trying to write about them is a good way of doing that. The view of others is that DNA sequencing enables researchers to examine more clearly how the process of mutation has led to new species developing and the relationships between species. The value of that knowledge isn't questioned. In some cases these studies are based upon an assumption that mutation rates are constant ...