A triple header

I have had the cold from Hell so have not been very active for the past few days and thus not much to report. It is getting a bit better - in time for the drive home - and we did get to see a few flowers today. Here is some stuff from the last three days. This photo really belongs to the previous post, but I hadn't got it off my phone then. The phone was attached to my telescope, hoping to catch a view of a whale offshore. Sort of where the x is. I saw a lot of splashes such as might be made by tail slapping, one glimpse of a dorsal fin and the dorsum to which it was attached, and about three spouts. So there were unphotographed whales out there! We next went to check out the heath under the powerlines, expecting there to be at least a good crop of Epacris impressa there. Oops. At least they have done it before things flower and particularly before the sun orchids come up. Frances found a few flowers of which this Correa refle...