The 2BOs of Kelly's Swamp:Burnt Out and Barn Owl

Having a couple of hours to spare while El Camion Real was being worked on in Fyshwick I wandered along Newcastle Street and into Jerrabomberra Wetlands. This was the charming scene which greeted me. At least the checkered tape implies AFP have turned up, probably muttering "Allo, allo, whats all this 'ere ven?" and recorded the event. Presumably the owners of the vehicles didn't dump them there and torch them. As I meandered around the wetlands I contemplated the number of cars dumped there and ignited (quite high, but not high enough to justify an hourly Police Presence) and wondered what could be done to scrag the miscreants. I'd have thought a webcam, linked to a movement sensor mounted somewhere nearby could be useful. While I presume the hooning happens after dark I would think the flames following ignition would give enough illumination to get some decent images? Perhaps the movement detector could send an alarm to the nearest ...