ANPS does party

This was a Christmas Party. Some may say it is closer to Easter than Christmas but they fail 'rithmetic and will therefore be ignored. The plan for this year's event was proposed by Frances and was to do a shortish walk in Stony Creek Nature Reserve and then retire to Stony Creek Community Hall for lunch. This had the advantage of being indoors and thus not influenced by the weather. The plants in the Reserve were definitely influenced by the weather with very few in flower and most of those that did deign to put forward their reproductive apparatus did so in a very weary fashion - thus not earning themselves a photo. The one exception was a Blue Devil ( Eryngium ovinum ) which more into stamen-flaunting than I have previously noticed. Quite a few insects, at various stages of development were seen. If I have this correct this first invertebrate image shows ants tending some aphid larvae. Roger identified this as an assassin bug and I believ...