Magpie wars

This is not about the AFL Grand Final but dispute resolution by Gymnorhina tibicens, the Australian Magpie.

This year we have had a group of 5 Australian Magpies hanging around our lawn and nearby areas, doing all the things Magpies do.   We presume this is a family group of 2 adults with 3 juveniles from last year, and have been surprised that they have stayed together so long.  In our experience the juveniles get kicked off once breeding season approaches.

Today there was a brief battle in the bare paddock about 60m from my window.  This distance, the poor light on a cloudy day and being taken through a window explain the rather grainy effect. However,  I think the sequence of images are reasonably self explanatory in showing one bird dominating the other.
It will be interesting to see if the number of birds in the group decreases over the next few days.

If the post had been about the AFL Grand Final, it would have noted with glee the fact that every 'unbiased expert' I have heard seems to put Geelong as about 30 point winners.  I will assert that I regard anyone who is not a member of the Collingwood Football Club as having no bias in this matter.  Go the Moggies!!


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