Osprey and falcon webcams

I have recently received links to two sites with links at Osprey nest sites.  The first of these is in Finland while the second is at Ulladulla, NSW.

The site in Finland has been going since 2006 and has a bird in it as I type.  This screendump is interesting as it was taken at 0:55 AM  and shows the first line of light on the horizon (as well as a dim view of an Osprey).
The site, at 65N, is just below the Arctic Circle.  This extract from Google earth gives the idea.

WRT the Australian site the local birding club has said "...the Ospreys nested at an inconvenient place in the tower in previous years, so council and NPWS constructed this basket and a "starter" nest - and installed a permanent camera... Hopefully the Ospreys will take to it and we would get some magnificent shots."  I am sure all readers echo those hopes.   According to the Handbook of Australian New Zealand and Antarctic Birds v2 egg laying could start in July.

I doubt if many people out of NSW know where the place is so here is another extract from Google Earth.
I also doubt if many people can pronounce "Ulladulla" but can offer no assistance there!

The falcon webcam is already given prominence on The Nature of Robertson but I thought I should include a link to that here as well.  It is in the Financial District of Manhattan (NY).  I'm sure most people know where that is in broad terms  so here is a closer shot from Google Earth:


Denis Wilson said…
Hi Martin
My friends from the South Coast will kill me if they find out about this, but Ulladulla is pronounced as one would if it were written "Uller-Duller".

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