Kowen Aussie, Kowen

I apologise to anyone distressed, in the current parlous situation, by the obscure link to a cricket chant! The ANPS group went to the Kowen Escarpment overlooking Sutton Road on 30 March. In case anyone wonders what an escarpment means wikipedia deals with the definition rather well. Steep and rocky as predicted. Despite it being well into Autumn (Fall, for any North Americans reading this) there were a good range of flowers around. Here are a Helichrysum , a Brachyscome (both very common) red Astroloma and a blue Derwentia (I only saw one cluster of flowers of each of these). I should note that the Astroloma flower is about 5mm across! (Drawing an analogy to orchids it is closer to Microtis than Cymbidium !) We also found 2 nice colonies of Diplodium truncatum , the Little Dumpy. Here are three images from various perspectives. The only fungus I noted was this bracket fungus. I haven't yet been able to identify it. The invertebra...