Another trip to Canberra

 The drive up was pretty reasonable apart from surprisingly heavy traffic on the Cooma to Bombala  section.  There were a couple of groups of Italian cars - 3 Alfas and about 10 km later about 6 Ferraris - but I have no idea what they were about.  

After settling in the main attraction was the sun setting behind Black Mountain.

On the morning of the 9th as we set off on our morning walk we noticed the abseilers were doing the business on people's windows.  These were on the South Tower in Allara St: the images are a little out of the order in which I took but seem to sequence OK>

This continues to be a job for the imagination-challenged!

We got to Commonwealth Park and to my amazement found Floriade being rebuilt.  My suspicion is that it is less than 6 months since the beds were removed!  An alert auditor might like to explore the value for money given by this rubbish - especially the astonishing amount which must be paid for hiring the temporary fencing!

The fruit-bats are still in good voice (and aroma).
A darter posed nicely!
Late in the afternoon I went round to the Bent Spoke Brewpub to get some cans of their alcohol-free product, Freewheeler.  They had some interesting decor:
Here are some of the products!
And a small bit of philosophy!
The day was a tad murky.
But got more appealing as sunset progressed.


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