Pom and Australian elections

The investigation reported below arose through a discussion of voting systems and a question being asked about the number of candidates per constituency in the UK (with first past the post). I initially contacted the UP Elections Commission. They didn't have information about the number of candidates per constituency but gave me a link to the UK House of Commons Library (HOCL) who publish a mass of data online. After a bit of fiddling I found a useful briefing which has the number of candidates for each constituency for all general elections since 1918 . The basic data from that shows the following for 2019: Chorley is the seat with 2: this is the current Speaker's seat and by convention he stands as an independent and is usually unopposed. In 2019 the Greens broke with convention (how unusual) and ran against him. The seat with 8 candidates was Strangford in Northern Ireland. This has a full array of the Irish parties (including NI Conservatives in the Wiki, whi...