Garden at Mallacoota

As this is about Tame life rather than Wild life I have put it in this blog post. It is a collection of plants flowering around our Mallacoota garden. Some were planted for the blossom, the later images are of plants grown for what the blossom will turn in to! Actually the first bush, a Buddleia, was planted primarily as a screen for the tank, with a (hoped for, rather than actual) side-benefit of attracting butterflies. This Polygala does a great job of flowering for an extended period. The Cannas are just starting to flower: on past performance they'll continue right through Summer. Another tall job, which has been attracting Honeyeaters for some weeks already: Red Hot Pokers (Kniphofia sp.) A Grevillea growing against a fence which is really doing well. It has had to be pruned to maintain walking space. The Acanthus (like the Red Hot Pokers) came from our previous garden . We bought this Chrysanthemum plant as a sorry little specimen in the discard pile of "ne...