A farewell to Vanessa

 Although this is about Mallacoota, it isn't about the weather or the wildlife.  Rather it is a farewell to one of our neighbours who died, suddenly at a young age 2 weeks ago.  This was a great shock to us as she had catered for a U3A event we attended the night before her death.  

The formal celebration of her life was to be held at Captain Stephenson's Point but as the rain was bucketing down, and the wind howling, it was shifted to marquees outside the Muddie.  (For those not familiar with Mallacoota-speak that is the Mud Brick Pavilion!)  As well as signs saying people had to sign in and show double vax status there was a Mallacoota special asking the "Dogs keep your owners under control".  Which task the pooches did well. My guess was at least 300 people present, which is a good effort by a town of 1,000.

Very good live music, I suspect from some of Vanessa's friends, and good tributes.  Some were on relay from her childhood home in Idaho.  Quite a few of the speeches from that Great State made mention of potatoes - and my last conversation with Vanessa was about that vegetable.

The second stage of the memorial was a paddle-in organised by the Mallacoota Boardriders, of which Vanessa had been an active member and her husband (Brett) the President.  This was held at Bastion Point.  As I approached along the beach it was obvious there was a big turnout.

Most had brought their boards.

At the appointed time everyone waded out ....
... and some paddled out
Eventually they formed a circle, with Brett and his older son in the middle. My count is 87 people in the ring which I see as a very good effort.
After another speech - given from a board - everyone threw flowers into the circle and splashed the water.  After a brief respectful pause the older members of the group headed East.
There are waves, you're wet anyway, so, surf!


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