A few more days in Canberra

These snaps were taken (mainly) on 22 -24 November. For reasons I can't now recall, but probably related to Commonwealth Park still being blocked off thanks to NCA, we switched our morning walks to the suburb of Reid. This is n the far side of Glebe Park. Our three walks are shown in different colors here. I have studied the various stickers people use to keep snail-spammers at bay. This is a new one! The walks all end up in ANZAC Park which is sort of the service road alongside ANZAC Parade. This image shows the back of the Vietnam War Memorial. This suburb was set out in the first days of Canberra. As a result there are wide nature strips, parks and shady trees. Very pleasant compared to the Bogan Plains now being created. Most of the houses still look original, at least from the front. There have been a few knockdowns of which these are examples. But the new houses are pleasant, not 3 story McMansions. This one had 2 P...