Its been a while!!

What with Shingles incapacitating me and then the fire in Mallacoota I haven't done much worth reporting for the last few weeks.

We are now in Canberra waiting for VIC Roads to quell their jobsworthiness and let us get back to Mallacoota.  So I was quite interested to see a message talking about 400 waterfowl in Central Basin, including a couple of unusual species.  Thus I fired up the Jetta and drove down to Blundell's Cottage to see what I could see.
The flocks of waterbirds were roughly in the two circles when I arrived.  (A pair of kayakers caused those in the red circle to panic somewhat and fly to the blue circle.  My count was roughly 500 birds including 193 Eurasian Coot, 111 Hardhead and 105 Australian Wood Duck.  There were I think 4 Great Crested Grebes (all in adult plumage) ...
 ... and at least 2 Pied Cormorants.
Here are a couple of parts of the flocks.  First looking to the blue lot:
..  and then to the red.


Ros Cornish said…
Glad to see a new post, Martin, and that you're out and about. Hope you can get back to Mallacoota soon.

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