A Tale of Two or three Parks

We're back in Canberra and tried to go for a walk through Commonwealth Park this morning.  After 3 months of being excluded for REFKAF (Retail Expo Formerly Known As Floriade) all blocked off again ..
... to allow the stage to be built for next weekend's NECKASM (Noise Expo Currently Known As Split Milk).  They are even using the area in front of the Bishops as a staging area.
Shortly thereafter we went across the road to Glebe Park where an adventure playground is being constructed.  I have been intrigued what this was going to involve as the Government seems to have a love of chainsaws (induced by aboriphobic lawyers).  That seems to not be the case.  The elms seem to be protected form bumping during the construction phase .
Not sure if this is the Stairway to Heaven or a more interesting ramp to a tree-house.
The artisans were definitely heads down bum up!
Overall this looks as though it is going to turn out to be excellent.

On the next day some of the Milk (pre-spilling) was possibly arriving.
A heap of Australian Wood Ducks were on the lawns around Regatta Point.
A little further along Frances counted at least 8 bunnies coming out of the juniper,
Our main outing for the day was to Namadgi Visitors Centre where a Painted Honeyeater has been reported.  I clearly heard that species but couldn't a fix on which bunch of thick foliage it was lurking in.  This was not assisted by a very strong wind causing the foliage to thrash about  We did get good views of White-winged Trillers ...

,,, and White-browed Woodswallows.


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