The trip back

We left the Fyshwick Markets at about 1115 hours and 33.5 o C. Our guesses of the temperature at Nimmitabel were placed with Frances going for 31 o C and me for 35 o C. Going down the Monaro Highway the countryside was bleak indeed, Past Cooma the stretch on the Snowy Mountains Highway to Nimmitabel was equally bleak - it is usually a little bit green at the end of Spring, but not this year. Plus, despite what appeared on the live traffic site (no warning for this area) we had about 2km of pilot guided roadworks. Grrr! When we got to Nimmitabel the temperature was 35.5 o C so I just sneaked in. We stooped for a bogbreak at Bombala where the temperature was 38.5 o C (or 101.5 o F). But wait there is more! As we got to the Western end of Imlay Rd we hit 40 o C (Frances took this photo). By the bottom (Eastern) end of the Imlay the temperature had dropped to 31.6 o C which we thought boded well for Mallacoota. Not so...