COG checks out a Blues legend

The ponds at Hume were definitely Muddy Waters.
7 members turned up at Hume to do as much of the usual loop as the building frenzy in the area permitted.
One patch of woodland towards the Highway appeared to be blocked off so we went back towards Tralee st.  As we did so a pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles were seen soaring over the land between Hume and the Tip while a flock of white birds were even higher over the Tip.  They were probably Australian White Ibis but too far away to (a) identify with certainty or (b) include in the area covered by the hotspot).

The first pond produced an Australasian Grebe which seemed to be either flufffed up or transporting a chick.  After it emerged from a dive it was obvious that it had just been fluffed up.
Also on this pond were 2 Pacific Black Ducks and a nice family of Australian Wood Ducks, including 5 ducklings, skulking at the base of some reeds.  
Very surprisingly no Australian Reed-Warblers were calling.

At the large patch of woodland (1) we found quite a lot of action in the tree hollows in these old trees.
A Striated Pardalote passed food into a hollow from which a female emerged.   We believe this to have been an occupied nest.  A pair of Galahs were checking out real estate.
... as were at least three pairs of Red‑rumped Parrots.   
Other potential users of the many hollows in the old trees included Eastern Rosellas, Crimson Rosellas, Common Starlings and Common Mynahs.  However none of them were seen to be actually inspecting the hollows.  A legged reptile was also seen but couldn't be relocated to be identified and/or photograph.

Moving up the creek line added little to our list of birds.  One of ythe lighter member (can't remember who, but everyone was lighter than me) nearly trod on a reptile which proved it was uninjured by heading off at Warp Factor 7.  Lindell got the photo and I am fairly sure it was a Jacky Lizard
Moving along the former railway line (2) was more productive avian-wise with White-naped and White-eared Honeyeater, Shining Bronze-Cuckoo (the shining bronze is just visible in this appalling image as is the barred chest. A very uncooperative bird.)
Lindell defeated its evil ways.
We also added Nankeen Kestrel and three species (Brown, Buff-rumped and Yellow-rumped) of Thornbill on this stretch.

The final leg through the horse paddocks (3) added sightings of 4 Dusky Woodswallows and a Yellow-faced Honeyeater.  2 large pure white domestic geese were also seen on a small dam (or large puddle) in one of the paddocks.  The final two species added were Mistletoebird heard) and finally an Australian Pipit perching on a land sale sign.
Overall we recorded 41 species.  A full checklist is at


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