A frogmouth palimpsest - sort of

I will start by saying my involvement in these extraordinary images is restricted to publishing them, with of course the photographer's permission.  The photos were taken by my friend Kim McKenzie on his property reasonably close to ours.  Here is his email, and then the images.

"our most extraordinary bird sighting to date! With the sun at a very particularly acute angle on one of our windows, this morning Sophie noticed the pattern where a frogmouth had (twice) hit the window to take moths. Look at the detail (including the dust from the moth)! We've heard and seen the bird doing this over the past week or so.

(And, looking at these, who said archeopteryx was extinct?)"

For those who wonder about the title of this post, that is based on the title of Kim's email and a definition of palimpsest is available from Wikipedia.

The Whiskers Creek Tawny Frogmouths have not yet been assaulting our windows.  I suspect they aregetting their nutrients from the frogs in the nearby dam.


Boobook said…
Astonishing! An excellent observation.
Denis Wilson said…
Very erudite post (credit to neighbours, seemingly).
Nice neighbours then.
I once achieved a similar moth-kill silhouette image when a frog crawled over some freshly painted window-sills and left his skid marks and the moth's scale powder behind, as a trace, (a visual echo).

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