Nigromontana without ...

... Diuris , but a good crop of other orchids. We spent the afternoon of 28 April with our friends Tony and Jean scouring the SW quadrant of Black (nigro) Mountain (montana) for orchids. It not being Spring we, not surprisingly, didn't find the species of Diuris named after this area. The first orchids we found in flower were Diplodium reflexum . Some D. truncatum were found but had 'gone over' so were not that attractive as a snap. Moving on, some Bunochilus umbrinus were located, but being perverse they were only at the bud stage and this seemed to send my camera into a tizz. Again no snap. The next goodies were Corysanthes hispida . Many were found, but they were, by and large heading for home and a well earned (permanent) rest. This one was kind enough to strut its stuff. We then moved over to a rocky area where some Acianthus exertus were relocated by Jean and Tony. I got a few images - regretting afterwards that Frances didn't ...