Life, rural, Joys of.. a continuing series

This follows on from, and like that post concerns water. However on this occasion it is about having too little, rather than too much. We had thought that in the second half of August Spring must be getting close. Perhaps not here yet, but we should be able to see it! However when I got up on the 19 th the outdoor thermometer was reading -3.9C and everywhere was white and crunchy underfoot. The sprinklers were going on the front lawn giving some very nice icicles on the vegetation. This was a genuine joy. The antijoy came when I turned on the tap in the kitchen to get the coffee happening: zip! Obviously the frost had got to the system somewhere. After some scurrying around by Frances we had enough, from various bottles, to make a serve of java but that was it. My next strategy was to pour hot water (if I could find any) on the area around the pump. Frances was a tad concerned about this and suggested ringing our p...