Odds and sods

This is really a pure "stream of consciousness" witter to record a few things. It is June 22 nd and we have just picked - off vines hanging in my shed and Frances potting shed - the last of our tomatoes. Frances bought some at the market on Friday, the first time we have done so since January. Today was also the day that I went to participate in the annual Tidbinbilla Lyrebird Survey. This is the third time I have done, after the shock of the first event when it snowed heavily. I had a couple of folk with me and neither had previously got close to a lyrebird in full performance mode. That got remedied today as we were within 15m of one yelling its heart (and various other organs) out. It mimiced at least 5 other species as well as doing a major rattle of the tail feathers. On the rodent (see previous post) front, matters have been variable. She is not sleeping well after about 4am so we are getting woken early. She has also taken to what used to be referred to by a ...