Floriade eat your heart out

Spring is sprung, the tulips is riz, I wonder where the tourists iz? The silly sods are probably all at Floriade while the cognoscenti are round at the Ey menage looking at Rob's massive (3,000+ corms) display and enjoying the hospitality of the family Ey.

The street frontage is rather specitacular of which this magnificent array is part. The 4th image below provides a wider context.

Being a fan of the large and lurid, in flowers at least, these yellow and red items were my favourites. They lurk by the deck at the back of the house.

Having attended Floriade in the past (mainly to see what political messages are spelt out in the grape hyacinths) I am well aware of the protocol for taking plant photos. As promised this gives a bigger vista of the front garden.

Let there be no sizism in this garden. Obviously this lad gave his right arm (as I define such things) to be in the garden.


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