Eastbound again

For some reason both of us were awake very early on 16 December so we packed up the Mazda and headed off at 0600. Frances drove the first leg to get in some practice at city driving: on discussing this we concluded that she hadn't done any big-city driving (neither Canberra nor Adelaide count - although the driving style of Adelaide motorists makes it a trickier place to drive than most). The route was very simple: along Commercial Road (which becomes Malvern Rd) and a right turn on to the Monash Freeway. The traffic heading East on the Freeway was notably light at this time, but from around Dandenong Rd onwards the Westbound lanes had already clogged to stop-start. I would hate that commute. At some point a copmobile was on the shoulder flashing a sign about "debris on the road" There surely was: lumps of tyre all over the place. A little further up the road a small lorry was parked. It had double back wheels which on the drivers side were disp...