From the windows of 505

A collection of FAQ photos, mostly taken on the 15th of November. The beginning was a couple of early balloons overflying Fawkner Park (and possibly hoping The Alfred helicopter doesn't have to leave in a hurry). One of the frequent sights looking South is a parasail ripping along the Middle Park seafront. Sometimes there are two or more. What makes this surprising is that the beach is at least 2km from home but the parasails are easily visible to a naked eye. The sails of yachts can also be seen at times - these were about 1730hrs, so after work hours, on 13 November. (The blue cast is because I didn't want to mess about opening the louvres of the Winter Garden so the photos were taken through tinted glass.) In the first image a parasail can also be picked up. I then used my longer lens, at full zoom plus digital multiplier. These are probably at least 3km from the apartment. On the 15th the sunset was attractive in a restrained way.